A unique online platform, My Yoga Journey, has been launched by Yourself Yoga for Menopause to provide yoga exclusively for women in menopause who prefer a natural solution to help alleviate their symptoms.
Founded by menopause yoga expert Julie Ann Garrido, who is one of only 600 yoga teachers worldwide with specialist menopause yoga accreditation, My Yoga Journey offers a lifeline to menopausal women who are looking to practice yoga for menopause, but are unable to access classes locally.
In addition to yoga classes that are categorised according to menopause symptoms, My Yoga Journey, which is available via an App, sets itself apart with its unique 7-stage Journey. Incorporating guided practice calendars, tutorials for key yoga poses, and a menopause symptom tracker, this simple yet structured ‘journey’ helps women navigate menopause yoga and at the same time alleviate their symptoms too.
The success of My Yoga Journey is nothing short of astonishing. As well as introducing menopause yoga to countless women worldwide who have significantly improved their symptoms, it has helped many transform lives as a result of their new-found confidence and energy.
Julie Ann Garrido explains: “Menopause Yoga is probably one of the world’s best kept secrets. Not only is it an effective solution for alleviating menopause symptoms, but it is also more powerful than most other solutions, with no need for pills or potions.
“Yoga has the power to ease most of the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that menopause brings from age 40 onwards, yet many medics and menopause specialists remain ignorant to this. Therefore, my mission is simple: I want every woman to know that there is an alternative solution for menopause. Not every woman can take synthetic hormones and neither do all women want to take medications, so at last there is an effective natural solution to help,” she adds.
While there are countless styles of yoga available these days, not all are suitable for menopause. Menopause yoga, also known as yoga for menopause, is designed to support women through the transition from perimenopause into menopause and post-menopause.
By incorporating a mix of yoga styles, including Slow Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra, menopause yoga is able to address a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional changes that this phase of life can bring.
In addition, menopause yoga can specifically target symptoms such as anxiety, hot flushes, joint pain, brain fog, low moods, poor sleep, and many more. Overall, menopause yoga promotes wellbeing and enhances the overall quality of life during this key stage.
Typically, ‘less is more’ at this stage of life. Therefore, knowing that most menopausal women can’t physically manage a standard one-hour yoga class or don’t have the time, and that menopause symptoms can be better managed.
By breaking down that one hour into four 15-minute yoga sequences per week, My Yoga Journey comes packed with short sequences and beginner-friendly content that can be practiced by every woman at any stage of menopause, either from home or while on the go.