
HumanWisdom to host Global Meeting on Kindness on 2nd September

Kindness is a gift we give ourselves. What gets in the way of being more kind?

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

HumanWisdom is a UK based start-up that aims to reduce suffering and help people flourish in life. It has recently released the HumanWisdom self-awareness app which helps people think more clearly, have happier relationships, manage their own mental health, and develop the soft skills they need to succeed in life.

It is hosting a free global meeting on Kindness on 2nd September. It will be a live discussion between Dr Manoj Krishna, a former surgeon and the founder of HumanWisdom, and Martha Van Dam, a psychotherapist based in the US. Participants will be able to ask questions and share their insights.

The discussion will focus on these questions: What gets in the way of being more kind? How could being more kind to ourselves and others transform our lives? How can organisations create a culture of kindness, and could this boost productivity?

Kindness enriches our lives in unforeseen ways and is the glue that holds our relationships together. Relationships are the foundation of our happiness.

More than 50% of relationships are dysfunctional and unhappy, and one reason could be the lack of kindness within them. When people are kind to us we feel really happy, but are we as proactive in being kind to others?

What gets in the way of living with kindness as our first instinct – in our schools, at home, at work and on social media? The discussion will explore the many unconscious barriers in our own mind that stop us from being more kind.

Participants will leave with fresh insights into the way their minds function, a deeper understanding of how they can be more kind, and learn fresh ways of strengthening their relationships and leading happier lives.

To register for this free event CLICK HERE.



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