Kathi Pickett is a Speaker, Mentor, Registered Nurse, Certified Healing Practitioner, and author of On Becoming You. In private practice, Kathi is committed to one-on-one virtual energy sessions, spiritual guidance, and soul transitions across the country and world.
“I am a cosmic radiant miracle, and you are too. You came to experience Earth’s sensuality and to expand your consciousness,” explains Kathi Pickett. “Our challenges and celebrations shape who we are and lay the foundation to heal, transform, and manifest. I speak to souls incarnate and beyond the veil to uncover the mysteries of the soul and illuminate the soul path for individuals who find themselves in the muck and strive to be free.”
“I became a healer to work with people who are courageous enough to believe in what they cannot see and to trust their intuition to awaken their souls,” adds Kathi. “Those who will allow the crazy to be the crazy in them, and that which cannot be explained, measured, or judged becomes the truth of whom they are meant to be. It is time to crack open the hearts of humanity and seek union with our souls.”
“I teach that an understanding that each of us matters and are responsible for our journey on Earth, and benevolent beings in the universe help and support us,” mentions Kathi. “My healing practice has taught me that listening to and attuning to your soul does not mean that pain and suffering go away, but life becomes more manageable. A communion with the healing powers of nature and like-minded friends creates a sacred place where hope, love, charity, and faith become old friends. This is how we heal the world, one soul at a time.”
Kathi Pickett is a Speaker, Mentor, Registered Nurse, Certified Healing Practitioner, and author of On Becoming You. In private practice, Kathi is committed to one-on-one virtual energy sessions, spiritual guidance, and soul transitions across the country and world.
Kathi explains how when we slow down the pace of our lives, reflect on our energy field, attune to higher vibrations, and set our intention to experience joy we are aligned with our life’s purpose. A daily practice, simple tools, and techniques help to stay in balance.
To experience harmony, every part of us must be free of emotional blocks so that energy can flow evenly through us. By having sessions with Kathi, we reconnect to the inner guidance system designed to keep us on track. Subtle energies reverberate through our lives, once we attune our skills to detect these vibrations, we can make conscious choices aligned with our inner being.
Kathi works to correct imbalances that interfere with our optimal well-being and functioning with remarkable results through energy healing and a dialogue that reveals truths from deep within the soul.
These miraculous healing modalities are ancient knowledge used thousands of years ago and when applied to modern health problems they safely and effectively combine with the dynamic infrastructure of our body. The fact is, we all have unique patterns of energy that correlate with our health and determine our well-being.
Since she was a young child, Kathi discovered she could tune into deceased individuals and spirit guides, but she only decided to share her incredible gifts in adulthood when she became a nurse and started working with individuals at their end-of-life journey.
Her work began centering around soul transitions and grief. During her early nursing career in the 1990s she learned hands-on energy technique and was awestruck by its effectiveness. From 2015 to 2020, she worked with an integrative medical team at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts performing energy work that included preventive health to lower our risk of getting sick in the first place.
Kathi says it’s when we connect with Spirit to receive the grace and blessings available for us in the universe then we may not ever get sick or if we do, we can slow progression of any disease and live happier lives. This inspired her to write her book On Becoming You which she will also discuss in her interview with Jim Masters.
When so much of life is about loss, there is a certain gratitude, Kathi says, in recognizing how grief, although incredibly painful, is also transformative. It provides us with a unique opportunity for self-discovery, to tap into our inner wisdom, and experience personal growth that leads to a different path towards happiness and joy.
After many years of working with the energy field of thousands of individuals Kathi has delicately fine-tuned her ability to connect and interpret energy systems, and conversations with souls. So she is absolutely on point.
Today, her mission continues to be teaching as many people as possible to have access to the wisdom inside of us. To help us realize that the mind is only a physical matter in this lifetime, but the soul knows all about us, deeply, profoundly, genuinely, and self-effacingly.
Through her unique group teachings and writings Kathi merges us to the divine life where the essence is a place of purity so we can become that person we were meant to be. Let Kathi help you create a life of balance and peace so you can finally live fully through your higher self.